This page outlines the key elemens around the NettLönn and CataCloud integration.
You need an account in CataCloud with access to the company in question
The Org Numbers must match between CataCloud and NettLønn
If the customer uses dimensions, ensure the Dimension values exist in CataCloud (i.e. Project & Departments) or the integration will throw an error
A department is not formally a dimension in CataCloud but a fixed entity. However, the integration does transfer anything that is registered for Dimension “Avdeling“ towards the department.
Ensure the accounts in NL and CC match. The integration throws an error if there is a missing account on CC side.
The connection to CC is generally personal and if a new payroll consultant would be starting to work on the customer, the idea is to disconnect “Kobble fra“ and reconnect with the right user.
Data that gets transferred:
Amount, Account, Description (Contains the salary code name), VAT Code, Department, Dimension 1, Dimension 2
If a payment run has been previously transferred, a pop-up appears. This payment run has already been transferred to CC, are you sure you want to continue?
After successful transfer the data looks like this in CC under section “Journal”:
(The voucher number is something CC generates and is not correlated with payment # number).
Setting up the integration:
Login to Nettlonn
Select the company you wish to connect with CataCloud in NettLønn
Finalize a payment run under “Lønnskjøring“ and press “Godkjenn”
Now its possible to transfer the accounting information to CataCloud
Go to “UT/INN“ => “CataCloud“
Select Payment run to transfer and if Dimensions to use, click “Eksporter“
7. Login to CC “Logg på Catacloud”, unless you already haven’t (Remembers your session).
8. Select the company from in the dropdown list below your name and press “Allow“9. Now you will receive a message with “Transfer successful!“