This is a simple overview of how to the ECIT Employee app and how to get started with it.
User types
There are three main types of users in ECIT Employee:
- Employees – Who time report (Currently deviation reporting or project reporting)
- Managers & Appprovers – Who approve time reports for further processing (Generally team leads, managers etc).
- Customer Admins – Who administrate the users from the customers perspective. (But in ECIT Employee, they can ONLY Approve / Reject timesheets)
Important to note here is that Approvers ONLY Approve time reports. Customer Admins and Managers can also time report on their own time sheets.
Tenant Admins (The ECIT consultant), are unable to use the mobile app, they are limited to using the HR Manager via the ECIT portal.
Getting started |
- An officially supported Android or iOS smartphone.
- Search for "ECIT Employee" in the Google Play store or Apple app store
- Download & install application on your smartphone.
- Requires an internet connection
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Login / Logout / Password restoration |
- Start up the app on your smartphone
- If you have received an invitation to the ECIT Portal, you can use the same credentials to login here.
- If not, you can use the "Forgot password" feature to set a new password to yourself. (The email will receive an invitation to set a new password.)
- If you have Active Directory (AD)connected with ECIT, use the Enterprise Login and use your email and password when logging into other types of AD-related services.
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Employee Dashboard |
- At the top, there is the name of the logged in user.
- The bell icon - Displays a list of notifications
- The circular line outlines the number of hours reported on a given period compared with the expected hours.
- Blue color indicates that period is open
- Orange indicate that period is submitted (and awaiting manager approval)
- Green indicates that period is Approved
- Red indicates that period is Rejected
- The number of days left in the period together with the actual deadline date visible
- Managers have the ability to "Swipe" to the right to navigate into the approval view.
- + sign to report the first hours for the period
- Also upcoming events are visible in this view (If there are no events, the section is hidden)
- Balances are configurable to display different balances. (Requires integration with payroll system).
- Navigation around the app is at the bottom there are different section (Dashboard, Calendar & timeline, Payslip and settings)
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The calendar view displays an overview of the period and any reported absence and presence. In the top right corner, there is a period status (Open, Submitted, Approved, Rejected). Swiping left and right navigates to next / previous period. "Working hours" - The total amount of reported Presence "Absences" indicate the total amount of absence in the period "Summary" of what has been reported- Red digits indicate public holidays
- Blue dots indicate presence on the given day
- Red circles around the digits indicate absence. Multiday absences are visualised as a single entry crossing the dates. Weekends and public holidays are skipped as absence is not reported on those days
- The bottom section is expandable by swiping up / down
- To the left on timeline, is a report to get a summary for the period based on what the employee has reported on
- It includes a timeline of entered hours for the given period
- "Send report" - changes status to "Submitted" for manager approval
- + Sign to report Presence or Absence
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There are a couple ways to timereport.- + Sign in the dashboard (Reports on today's date)
- + Sign in Calendar
- Click on a date in calendar
Choose Presence (or Project if this is configured) or Absence. A form appears with the different Absence / Presence types. It is possible to report over multiple days (Period) with a from and to date including the number of hours.
After pressing Save, the entry is saved and visible in the calendar timeline and also in the calendar itself.
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